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How does it work?

TEN is a single access point to the top 1% of global innovators in health. We help you find the right answers to your questions, and the right people for your challenge. Helping you move forward with faster selection and better direction.


You connect with TEN and we listen to your questions and needs


We curate and connect you to the right teams for your challenge


De-risk selection and direction by trying through us, before you commit

Pick the package that’s right for you

Strategic Selection

Let us introduce you directly to the perfect match for your needs.

We help you problem solve around your brief with a strategic plan

Then we connect you to our best providers

We step aside to let you go on to do great work

From £3k to 5k

Let us help you

Design Sprints

Get results on your design challenge in just one week, with hand picked experts to match make future relationships.

Map then concept around your challenge

Work side by side with providers to accelerate trust and ensure fit

Build prototypes and test for results

Gain insight in the time it takes to write an RFP

From £20K to £60K

Let us help you

Design Summit

A fully bespoke vehicle for discovery that can take you anywhere.

100% bespoke design summits to explore and discover

Extensive options of mixes of providers unavailable in the open market


Let us help you

Faster selection, Better direction.
Want to talk?

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