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Skin Science

Creating a human centred strategy for GSK


GSK scientists had spent years researching innovative healthcare solutions, yet many skin condition sufferers were not aware of the scientific benefits of their multimillion pound dermo-cosmetic brand (and still used less effective products).

Why so? Well, often skin condition sufferers struggled to find solutions which actually work, often choosing products through ‘trial and error’, which can lead to even more severe skin problems.

Exploring the landscape of needs for its customers, we listened to 80+ skin condition sufferers in the UK, Germany and South Korea to understand how people perceived science and the relationship between the human body and technology, in different parts of the world.

This unsurprisingly uncovered cultural variations, crucial to design a new brand identity, which resonated with people across the world.

Using this new human-centred identity, we created impactful copy and visuals for TV advertising, packaging, and print.

Practically, this significantly reduced the programme delivery time by introducing design thinking practices to GSK teams, shifting the internal way of working from pitching one idea to customers, to co-creating multiple solutions based on insights.

Senior R&D Leader, GSK “To be successful, innovation at scale takes tremendous creativity, strategic thinking, and the ability to deliver results quickly. Here we experienced the rare combination of all three.

The brand has a new expert science-backed identity communicated in a way that resonates with skin condition sufferers. They can now make informed decisions on what products to use (and which products can help them truly improve their long-term health), and therefore benefit from years of scientific research.

The TEN Difference: Translation of science knowledge to user know-how through the power of Design Thinking.