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Side Effects / The global mental health crisis has arrived, with Luciana Carvalho Se Co-Founder of MindCheck.me

[49 Mins]

This week I talk mental health with Luciana Carvalho Se. Luciana is the Co-Founder of MindCheck. 

We talk about mental health and mental illness, and the fact that someone dies of suicide every 40 seconds. Also, we reflect on what Covid has done to accelerate a $1tn p.a burden on the worlds economy.

[2 Mins]  An Introduction to Luciana Carvalho Se.

[6 Mins] Covid and mental health: the silent pandemic.

[11 Mins] ‘The collective death of the world as was’ [David Kessler and HBR]

[14 Mins] PTSD and frontline workers all over the world.

[21 Mins] Building resilience and tolerance, in mental health.

[23 Mins] The tools out there to support; MindCheck, Wobot, 7Cups, unmind, sanctus.

[25 Mins] Let’s deal with culture, taboo and stigma.

[29 Mins] Is digital the answer? The good and the bad of tech solutions and society (inc ref to Simon Wesley and Ken Carswell).

[36 Mins] What does good societal mental health look like?

[40 Mins] A road to better mental health literacy (inc ref to European Digital Society)

[41 Mins] Magic Wand 1: Systemic change.

[44 Mins] Magic Wand 2: Luciana’s personal story of being a Covid 19 survivor.

[46 Mins] Finding Luciana online at mindcheck.me, @Lcarvalhose [and an exclusive to her new book in the pipeline].


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Matt Pattison

CEO & Founder at TEN


Matt Pattison

CEO & Founder at TEN


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